
The SKANDI-BO fully glazed system has two product ranges: ID50 (which is comprised of ID50 Fire-rated and ID50 Non-rated) and ID31 Non-rated. Our fully glazed solutions are held in place top and bottom by a simple aluminium profile and are joined by a
discrete line of grout. The walls in the ID50 line are 46 to 56 mm thick and ID31 walls are 31 mm thick, but both have the same light and airy architectural style.

ID50 is our exclusive glass partition wall system, combining a stylish look with fire safety. The joint between the glass sections is a custom-developed, fireproof seal. And although the look is delicate, this solution is just as fireproof as ID85 Fire-rated with profiles. SKANDI-BO was also the first in Denmark to obtain certification of a fireproof joint in corner sections. The joint provides excellent scope for creating fireproof solutions with unique, visual qualities. ID50’s discrete, fireproof joints give the wall an even look along its entire length. The simplicity of the fully glazed wall is broken by the fire-rated black joint, which in combination with the black profile top and bottom creates a coordinated look.

In spite of its simple design, ID50 provides both fire protection and soundproofing.


ID50 can be manufactured in a variety of glass types to meet even the strictest fire safety requirements.


Floor profile


ID50 wall with glass-framed door and joints

ID50 wall with glass-framed door and section
above the door

SKANDI-BO A/S 2018 - All rights reserved